Monday, December 1, 2008

it's happening...

Unfortunate for most parents must be the onset of the "terrible two's".  And it has started for us.  Creeping into our daily life are fits of disappointed crying sessions and an overuse of the word "myself".  Yesterday I was at my patience's end.   Today, however, has been much better.  Staying connected to the Lord seems to be pivotal in maintaining my internal peace and,  consequently, the peace in our home.  As I watched Amia demanding to do something by herself, I thought about the commentary it was regarding my life.  Though my mirror is only 30 inches tall, it reflects my heart uncomfortably accurate.  Even amidst situations that should cause me to depend entirely on God, I still find myself struggling to surrender... I mean really surrender.  In parts is one thing; in entirety is something completely different.  And God has been calling me to deal with areas of my life that I hold back from Him.  There are things I don't want to change... it's just too familiar... too comfortable.

But that is not what He has called us to, is it?  Hold me accountable - I plan to wrestle with God this week.

"I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands."  Psalm 119:10


The Bowlin's said...

hey i don't know if i can give you any advice bc i have a terrible 2 at the moment as well. they are a blessing though. i think with the screaming comes singing and laughing and tuggles (cuddles), kisses and lots of love. under there somewhere are our little angels waiting until their three to come out again. thanks for your encouragement about staying in the word. it does help and is much needed to stay on course to good parenting. (also beneficial to keeping our children and our sanity safe!!!)
talk soon

Anonymous said...

Well...I'm sorry to tell you, but in my experience it is more accurately the terrible 3's. But maybe it will be different for Amia and Olivia too! I know, I know, I'm such an encourager! hehe!
Have you ever tried letting her play with goop? Its 2 parts cornstarch, 1 part water. (i think)
I'll check into it to be sure and let you know. We used to make it when I worked at the day care oh so many years ago when Kamren was a toddler and only child. When it was still quiet in my house, well quiet compared to what it is now! Let me know if you try it!